
29 July 2014

As a newbie blogger i can't say things have been going very fast for me in the blogger-world. But once in a while i get a comment on one of my posts and get very excited to the point where i actually squeal!(You don't want to see it...) 
So when i read Sarah's comment which had the word "award" in it, you can imagine my excitement. When i read her post i had quite a laugh(she's hilarious and very good with words so check her out) and the whole concept made me feel like a part of the community. This is basically a tag where you tell 11 facts about yourself and then answer the questions of the person who tagged you and then tag 11 more people :) 

I don't think i was quite clear so here are the actual rules;

  • You have to link back to the person that nominated you.
  • Write 11 facts about yourself.
  • You must answer all 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
  • After completing these questions you must nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers and give them 11 questions of your choice.
  • You must not nominate the person who nominated you.
  • You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.
Here are the facts;
  1. I want to become an actor one day. Either Theatre or On-Camera I really want to pursue my dream.
  2. My name isn't actually Anna but it's Elif. It's just like a stage name for me to use on this blog.( Kind of like SprinkleofGlitter?)
  3. I LOVE Tv shows to the point where i spend 8-10 hours watching an entire series!
  4. Some of you might know(look at me talking as if i have permanent readers) but I'm actually from Turkey. Istanbul to be precise. 
  5. There was only one person who made me believe in the whole concept of "The One" and unfortunately I lost my chance on my one.
  6. My favourite part of my life so far is my trip to Italy in 2012! I had the most amazing time there and that was the time where i utterly felt happy and content. 
  7. I'm currently trying to learn French on my own. I always envy people who learn languages on their own as even when i studied Italian for a year I can't speak it now and worse having studied German for 6 years i'm pretty sure i can only introduce myself... I really want French to be my third language.
  8. I love travelling. I'm my best self when I'm travelling to a foreign country. Been to America, Italy, Norway and England and i can't remember feeling bad in any of them.
  9. My taste in music constantly changes. I listen to almost anything apart from metal and heavy clubbing music. My favourite genre is probably Indie and Pop though.
  10. I study English Language and Literature and I'm currently a second year student in Uni. I still can't get over how much i love university. Even though i've had some bad memories the fact that i'm a uni student now always gives me this positive vibe.
  11. I want to expand my makeup collection and go further with my blog :)

1. What is your favourite blog and why?
When i first started this blog i was only following bloggers who also had youtube channels so my first thought was is my favourite one of them? But i have to say, my favourite blog to read is MissMakeUpMagpie. I love her posts and Gemma just seems like such a lovely person. Adore her. 
2. If you could eliminate hair from one area of your body for good, where would you choose? 
I don't even have to think about this... my bikini area 🙊
3. What's the hottest accent in your opinion?
It's a tie between a Britist accent and a Scandinavian accent.
4. If paparazzi followed you around for a day what would the headline be?
She finally comes out of her house!
6. If you wrote an autobiography of your life to date, what would be the title of your last chapter be?
"Friends Again?"
7. Would you be a good or cop or a bad cop? 
Depends on the criminal.
8. The world is ending. You're the only human left. Would you still wear a bra?
9. Favorite pen color?
10. You get 1 million dollars to give to one charity, what would it be?

I might divide it into 2-3 charities but it would be either to an LGBT charity or to the ISF.
11. Do you eat kale?

my dad makes it sometimes but i can't say i'm a big fan of it.

I tag the following;
Tiny Edge
Today's Beauty Obsession 

(This was harder than i thought. I know it's against the rules but as a newbie to the blogger world the people i follow are limited as well and when i went through the blogs i follow on bloglovin' i only came across these blogs which were under 200 followers. Obviously i don't want to put blogs i don't follow just to complete the tag because i don't think it would be fair and be very honest so these are the blogs i really enjoy which are under 200 followers...)

Lastly, my questions for those who would like to carry on this tag are;

1. What made you want to start a blog?
2. Do you speak any other language other than your mother tongue?
3. Have you ever travelled anywhere? If yes, where?
4. What was/is your favourite subject in school?
5. Are you a fan of/really passionate about any TV shows? 
6. What career do you want to pursue?
7. What is your biggest pet peeve?
8. Do you have a holy grail beauty product?
9. What is the thing you can't live without(aside from the natural essentials of course)?
10. Is there a moment in your life in which when you look back you think "That's when my life changed." What is it?
11. What is your favourite part of your body?


  1. Love this idea! Thanks for the tag :)

  2. thanx for the tag but i already did this post so i wont do it again. Congrats on getting nominated :)

  3. thanks for nominating me, its finally up!


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